Hi folks, I was looking at prices for a specific Shreveport, La hutchinson bottle on worthpoint and there is an outlier that I can't figure out. I don't know a whole lot about bottles, so there could be something fairly obvious that I am missing. I'm seeing seven of these bottles sold, six have...
I never meant to imply that the condition of this bottle was the same or that it would fetch that price. I don't know enough about bottles to assess the condition. I was simply sharing the only comp I have been able to find on the same bottle.
As far as tumbling goes, I tend to allow...
Thanks for the info, I see the one on ebay that sold for $365, however it is a different bottle. I have only found a single comp for the bottle I have. It sold a year ago for $1,200.
Hi! I am a native of Shreveport, La. I am not really a bottle collector, but I have been in the estate sale busi ess for 17 years, so I try to know at least a little bit about a whole lot of things.
I recent years I have been picking up most of the bottles I find that we're made here in...