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  1. North Arkansas Digger

    Up in north Arkansas looking for digging buddies and dumps.

    I’m 18yrs old live in north central Arkansas. Need buddies to dig with. I know the location of a 1920s-1950s dump loaded with marbles bottles that are local to my area, buttons and car parts.
  2. North Arkansas Digger

    I need a buddy for digging I’m 17 and me name is CJ

    I would like to join anyone who has a dump they have located to help dig I live in north central Arkansas.
  3. North Arkansas Digger

    Arkansas Digger needed!

    Lots of old metal mixed in
  4. North Arkansas Digger

    Arkansas Digger needed!

    The dump I’ve been digging is really trashy but full of old stuff and bottles. Car parts license plates exc.. Lots of marbles to
  5. North Arkansas Digger

    Arkansas Digger needed!

    I’ll send some pics of some of the ones I’ve been finding.
  6. North Arkansas Digger

    Arkansas Digger needed!

    Nice what sort of age are you getting I might be able to help Identify the age and where the dump is located. Also can u send me pictures of the bottles your finding thanks!
  7. North Arkansas Digger

    Arkansas Digger needed!

    Ok I’m fine with that I have a few friends your age. You willing to dig? I’m 17 btw and it doesn’t bother me that your a women I believe that friendships can be made at any age and any person.
  8. North Arkansas Digger

    Arkansas Digger needed!

    Yes I have a dump located that’s 1950s and before. I will be in Mt home in April. If you can bring a shovel and my name is CJ btw how old are you?
  9. North Arkansas Digger

    Arkansas Digger needed!

    Sorry about the late reply I’ll be back in Arkansas on spring break April. Thanks
  10. North Arkansas Digger

    Arkansas bottle digger

    I live in north Arkansas and would be happy invite you to a site I’ve discovered.
  11. North Arkansas Digger

    Arkansas Digger needed!

    North Arkansas digger needed I need someone to dig up a old dump with I’m 17 and my name is Leroy. I’ve already located the dump it’s early 1900s
  12. North Arkansas Digger

    Land access from hunting clubs

    What part of Arkansas do you live in a have a dump I’ve located and would be willing to provide location if you choose to come out and dig with me.
  13. North Arkansas Digger

    Anyone in north Arkansas that would like to dig with me on Christmas Break I’m 17. I live in north Arkansas. I have found a dump already.

    I would like someone to dig with. The dump is early 1900s-1950s. I have an example of the bottles found in the picture below.

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