Thanks Sitcoms, thankful for your time and guidance here. These have been around the place forever and it's nice to know what they are valued just to make sure that if one was rare then I could have stored it more securely. Assuming bottles 11-20 are all modern non-noteworthy as well ...
Last of em:
16 - Nothing on body. Bottom has: "1" / <logo> / "442"
17 - Nothing on body. Bottom has: "50"
18 - Relatively modern syrup bottle: Bottom has readily viewable markings in image.
19 - Larger bottle, maybe a wine bottle ? Body has no markings. Bottom has 3 dots and a large...
Next 5
6 - Medium small bottle with only designs on it. Bottom appears to have the number "1"
7 - Medium bottle with nothing on it. Bottom has a "5" or "S"
8 - Medium bottle with a sticker that says: GLASS / ATELIER BERANEK / CHECH REPUBLIC / HAND MADE. Nothing on bottom
9 -...
Some of these were dug in the 60's from Key West dump area, I guess it was a thing to do on the weekends for military boys and girls stationed down there dealing with Fidel, etc... Others I've found around the farm here in TN laying out in the woods, from who knows where. And a few that that I...