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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2005
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Seminole,Alabama, USA
I don't know. A full grown chimp can rip your arms and legs off with out trying. They can bite a chunk out of you that would end your day. Plus they think if they have it castrated it is mutilation. Better his mutilation then mine.

We got a fellow over in Mobile who keeps Black Mambas, the most poison-es snake in the world. You have to register them with the state so they can keep track of them and keep the very expensive anti venoum on hand. He has been bitten so many times that he is imune to the venoum and he just puts a banade over the bite.

Some people are just not right.


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2005
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Shores of the Mighty Bark
Hey Lobeycat,

Oh my God! When I heard it for real my heart sank. I thought what good could come from a person treating a chimp as a human being and keeping them in their house sipping chardonnay, peeing in the toilet and logging onto the computer. I hate to say it but I literally laughed out loud when I read your transcription. I think you were meant to be a stenographer... For real.

Hey Cap,

Right on the money. Poisonous snakes and big toothy cats and chimps. Honest to God though I’ll take a snake bite from a purple mamba over being castrated, my heel and face ripped off by a chimp.

Now after you all have had your say I do have a bottle tie in to this. I bought a collection from a guy. He lived in a rural community about thirty miles from Milwaukee. He was a really nice guy. He wanted me and my wife to come over for pizza and to close the deal. When we got there they had a skunk roaming around. It was kind of freaky but I was like, “Oh a skunk how nice.†It was kind of not really aware we were there as it wondered randomly around but still how often do you get to see a skunk up close? It was de-scented so even though you could smell it to a degree there was relative assurance we would not be wearing par fume o skunk home. So, cool. Then they took us to see their other two pets. Up the stairs we went. It was a pretty nice house with a nice big upstairs bathroom newly remodeled. As we got to the door of the bathroom I heard what sounded like hell about to be unleashed. No joke it was an animal sound that instinctively you knew you were fe-d by the closeness of it and the unbridled hate in it. The guy just on my left (Farther from impending death) says, “Just don’t make eye contact with him and it will be fine†it was too late we were already in a seemingly endless three second stare down. I was staring into the eye of an Egyptian Lynx. It was a seventy pound pointy eared mountain line looking hell growl noise making cat with teeth on display. Big, yellow, pointy flesh tearing teeth. I was like really dude… really? At that moment even knowing what I know now I might have been willing to trade up for a chimp. Our dead lock stare ended when the guy I was buying the collection from yelled something like NO DEATH MUTILATOR/mittens and a waving gesture. We edged PAST the door and off toward the next of his beloved menagerie. We approached a big room. As we walked down the hall I was like what the hell why do they have a chain link fence in that room… then I saw it coming. It ran along the side of the ‘room inside of the room’ made of chain link right at me, I was like holy F I’m done. It turned sliding on the floor right at me and then ran up the side of the chain link enclosure sprawled across it and dropped on the other side into a narrow space between its giant cage and the wall. The way the cage was built it couldn’t get there without going from the room entrance side. Once where it felt comfortable the lil guy made it perfectly clear he was not taking visitors tonight by pacing like a thoroughbred horse before a race back and forth in that little space and making noises few humans who have heard are still around to tell about. By the fraction of a second it took that thing to get where it was it was pretty clear this was not a safe place to stand without a gun. That was a thirty five pound Bobcat. Sure you say a 35 pounder how scary could that be after the twice as big Lynx? Well, put it this way. You know how some peoples with cats houses smell like urine? That house would have smelled like poo… Mine… if it would have come a quarter of an inch closer in its charge to get behind the cage.

Turns out they used to let the big cat play with human dolls for fun. Then one of their friends was over and it picked a baby up by the head and bit another in the diaper. That was a story they told us over pizza that night… So you see they were just good fun loving pets. I have a picking up the pizza story from that night that is equally exciting for another day.

It was maybe 8 years ago… I did get the collection and still have one of the bottles. I was after two bottles. I sold one last year.



Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2005
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I have enough trouble taking care of myself, let alone a wild animal that can chew me up for a snack.


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2005
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Shores of the Mighty Bark
I know beendiggin, if people must have an exotic pet why don’t they ever pick one they can get away from when it goes ape like a three toed sloth a miniature horse or salamander? Those miniature horses are cool but they likely lead to more monkey pets. Because you just know once you have that little horse you are eventually going to wanna get a little monkey to put a cowboy hat on and have ride your little horse. Next thing you know your lil spider monkey doesn’t stop growing and pretty soon you have a 200 pound zanex gobbling pet chimp. So maybe not the miniature horse but why not the sloth and salamander?



Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2005
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Seminole,Alabama, USA
A fish is the best pet to have. They don't eat much, they don't require much attention and long before you get tired of it, it dies and you flush it down the toilet.

See, Great Pet!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2007
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Lehigh Valley USA
What about good ole little spider monkeys? Nice size,cute,funny and can only bite small chunks from your neck while on your shoulder.I always wanted one of those when i was a kid.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2007
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Lehigh Valley USA
I don't know about that Cap.my buddy Paul has a 7" black piranha that fish eats like a mean dog,and if flushed down the toilet it would clog it! [8D]


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2005
Reaction score
Shores of the Mighty Bark

I guess you could say fish are a gateway pet just like miniature horses are when you really get down to it. First you get a goldfish and feed it flake food and one then day you buy it live brine shrimp for a special treat on its birthday or whatever. Intrigued by the action of the shrimp desperately swimming to avoid your beloved goldfish, the wheels start cranking in your bean. The thrill of the chase is… well… let’s just say, thrilling. So you keep buying your goldfish brine shrimp. (No coincidence; the common name for brine shrimp is sea MONKEYS!) Well, that get expensive after a while so you Google ‘discount fish food’ and you find out there is a local distribution center selling fish food for pennies on the dollar! Naturally, you head down to the fish food distribution center to stock up on sea monkeys.

When you get there you are amazed by the variety of live foods. Walking the isles you see a sign saying “Feeder goldfish†At first you are horrified anyone would feed fish just like your lil sparky to other fish. Then you realize lil sparks isn’t at the top of the food chain and you wonder what kind of heartless beast could bring down such a carefree, majestic creature like lil sparky. You ask one of the workers, he nonchalantly tells you, “Snakeheads eat a half dozen gold fish at a crack.†You go home shocked that such savagery would be allowed, even condoned, at such a horrific scale. BUT after a few more days of feeding lil sparky brine shrimp you realize you long for a more 'even' competition between dinner and diner. So you go to the pet store and buy a snake head. When you get home you put ‘Killer’ in the fish tank. At first he swims around unknowingly figuring out the layout, but then, he spots lil sparks swimming carelessly around at the surface. The snake head sits perfectly still after spotting lil sparks, then… swoosh in the blink of an eye sparks is no more. You are stunned, that was fifty bucks worth of sea monkeys gone in a second! Still, pretty cool.

So you go and buy a bunch more feeder goldfish. As fast as you can drop them in they are gone. You are like WOW. But… two months and $300 in feeder goldfish later you are like, ‘this sucks Killer just swallows them whole. There’s no thrill in that.’ So you go back to the pet store and buy a piranha. You drop him into the tank with snarly teeth everywhere and watch and watch but… nothing. Killer seams uninterested and Teeth just swims to the back corner of the aquarium and sits there. You watch for an hour, taking a chance you run and make popcorn and rush back to the tank, thankfully in time! You watch another hour then another hour and another and still nothing. Your eyes get heavier and heavier. You drift off to sleep for just a second, when you come to the tanks is a cloudy mess of fish fluids and parts floating around. You are shocked at the overwhelming violence that has just occurred in your house. Your very own home… You feel violated, even frightened. Thankfully Teeth needs water to breath so he can’t get you. Still, you lock your bedroom door and pull the sheets over your head that night. You buy him a bunch of larger feeder goldfish simply having to see the carnage for yourself, if for no other reason to see what fate befell Killer, but no matter what you do Teeth won’t eat in front of you. It gets old fast and a buck a meal (Even at the discount prices) for a pet fish is ridicules so you start to keep your ears peeled for a way to get rid of this monster. You even consider letting Teeth go in a local pond or stream.

About this time a friend tells you about the local rescue mission that saved three dolphins from a horrible, filthy private collector’s in ground swimming pool. They are trying to get funds together to save the animal’s who are in such poor condition one of their dorsal fins has gone soft and drooped. You have always loved animals (As evidenced by your now countless fish pets and sea monkey pets) so you are like, “hell yes†I will help those poor, poor creatures. Your friend is elated and together you raise funds to get a dolphin habitat setup and save Olga, Ole and the renamed Droopy. (At one point they had been performing Russian circus dolphins) Anyway, you get it done and an old public pool is donated by the city because of the media attention to plight of those three sweet little dolphins. It’s a major uphill struggle to raise the money to get the habitat setup and money is tight almost immediately.

One day as you dump a big goldfish into Teeth’s tank you think, ‘You know,... food for the Olga, Ole and Droopy is getting expensive and Teeth would make a good meal for Olga or Ole or even Droopy with his sideways dorsal fin.’ That’s it! You know in your heart of hearts it is the right decision as you net Teeth and put him in a bucket. You drop him in the dolphin enclosure and while he can’t do great with the saltwater ripping his gills to pieces, he makes a good run of it avoiding the dolphins for nearly a full minute but Droopy, in spite of the disadvantage of that lame dorsal fin, wins the chase and gobbles Teeth down in one bite. Finally!!! You feel a sense of relief poor lil sparks can rest in peace with all of his tormentors gone from this harsh, tumultuous, unfair world.

A few months later the media attention dies down and the cost of keeping three dolphins is flat out overwhelming. You and your friend and the board of directors of People Interested In Saving Poor Olga Ole and Droopy or PIISPOOD, your nonprofit formed to save the dolphins, meet to find a funding solution. It is determined by the entire PIISPOOD board something must be done to generate revenue to pay for the mounting debt of the cost to maintain PIISPPOD habitat.

Being one of the leading members of piispood and knowing what this meeting was about you had already looked at how the Russian circus made these animals perform the previous day because you had heard, before the poor little helpless creatures fell into private collection hands, they had been famous as a performing dolphin group. Turns out the big act that drew crowds of paying customers, making the Russian circus master a millionaire, (Literally allowing him to go legit and leave the east coast Russian mob altogether) involved a fourth performer who would leap through the air and land on the backs of one dolphin after the next as they race around their pool to the utter bliss-filled amazement of adoring crowds.

The decision is made and you go to find a replacement for that now long lost fourth performer… Gonzo the chimp… Since he can’t live on the habitat grounds you offer to take him home, they make decent pets and all, don’t they? You train him, teach him and with the three dolphins the PIISPOOD water follies are a smash success. You come to love the now 250 pound chimp. He drinks wine, flushes the toilet, plays a killer game of Sheepshead, even rides an oversized tricycle up and down the trailer park driveway where you live. -Life is good- Then one day you are in a rush to go get some smokes and you don’t screw the cap back onto your Zanex bottle tight enough as you head out the door…

So you see Cap, a fish can lead to just as much trouble as any other pet. Maybe people should just not be allowed pets.

I'm just saying is all...


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