ball jar

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  1. indianainsulators

    Need some pointers

    After finding glass shards in my garden, I started doing a little digging, and have found some very interesting things already. Most notable is a complete lid for a butter churning crock, and a spark plug I was able to date as pre-1930. I've found the bases to approximately eight Ball jars...
  2. Hestia

    Odd 2oz Ball jar anyone?

    I found this guy under my house. It’s an odd size and also has odd threading pattern on its lip. I know they can be dated by the different “Ball” logo styles, but it’s juuust a little too small to clearly see it.
  3. Skadman4

    My treasures found in a house built in 1896.

    I was fortunate enough to have permission to remove items from a home that burned. The original house was built in 1896, and has remained in the same family to this day. I'll be posting my finds to this thread as a way to acknowledge their life and my great pleasure in having their moments in...
  4. E

    Finding Blue Ball Jar

    How hard is it to find a 1/2 gallon Square Blue Ball Mason Jar? I have a quart and pint looking for a 1/2 gallon. My wife's Grandmother has 2 but she won't part with one says they belonged to her Mother or Grandmother. When where they produced would also help. Thanks

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