Greetings! I'm brand new here and was directed to this group from the Glass Bottle Marks website! I have a very small ink bottle that I cannot find a stick of information about...anywhere. I have posted, email, uploaded photos, Google searched and I come up empty handed each time, so I'm hoping someone here will be able to help. I purchased a very small, three sided ink bottle with what I think is the Hazel-Atlas mark on the bottom. The glass is not super smooth, think modern jars, the lid is metal and "locks" into place, not screws on (think peanut butter jar), and there is no label, nothing! The lid says PIQUE which refers to the card suit Spades (in French). The spade is present on the lid, but in red, not black! The bottle sides are less than 2" in length and there is still some dried ink inside the bottle. I realize this could be from a secondary use and not what was the original intent, but for now I'm going with "this is an ink bottle". Has anyone seen/heard of something like this? I am placing in the after 1900 area because of the metal lid.