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Jimmy Langford

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2020
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North Texas
I have ADD/ADHD (or whatever it's called now) and OCD. Both are largely under control as adult, but as a small child it made things difficult, especially having some sort of ODD.
School of hard knocks all the way lol...
Excercises (in every sense) helped/helps and I've
learned to cope and pick my battles.
Good luck!

We don't get to choose the hand we are dealt, but we do have to play them.
Happy to hear they are under control :D


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Jul 25, 2018
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Please feel free to share and talk about any disabilities you have, mentally or physically. I personally have Aspergers (high functioning autism), ADHD, and OCD, and maybe a little schizophrenic? When I was a baby, I was a late talker, and did not cry very much. I also poked myself in the eyes when I was young. I am challenged in daily life with social interactions, but make by pretty fine. I am one with animals and love any friendly friend. I don’t kill friendly bugs either. I am afraid of loud noises such as gunshots or even a balloon popping. I’m generally a quite person, but am a mess at school. With OCD, I am extremely protective of historical objects, and when I damage something special to me, even the slightest, I have somewhat of a breakdown. I wanted to end my life after I accidentally broke a tea cup that was part of a china set that belonged to my great great grandmother. What really got me is, my great grandmother said the same day that she gave me the set, that my great great grandmother would be proud that I was taking care of her stuff. I cried profusely under my bed for almost a hour. I have depression and anxiety, which comes along with autism. When this school year started up, I hung a noose from a tall tree. Would I have done it? I don’t know, all I know is I did indeed hang a noose from a tree. I have done self harm in the past, and I have held a unloaded pistol to my head pulling the trigger. See, things get to me more than most people. I have never kept friends, I always burn bridges. I am also self destructive. But all in all, I’m a pretty nice/happy person. I do contribute my intellectualism with Autism & ADHD. I have a profuse hyper fixation in history. I like to say “I have a passion for history written in stone, inside that stone is a heart which will beat till death do part”. History is what really keeps me going. I’m really a fanatic aren’t I? I don’t know what I would do without it. Another good thing about me, I care about facts, NOT EMOTIONS. I don’t like happy delusions to set false hope. I am also very logical. I am outspoken in my views on the world. Most of my disabilities are thanks to my mother who did drugs when she was pregnant. Thankfully, I don’t live with either of my parents. I live with another family member, which I have for 15/15 years of my life, which in itself has posed problems. I really hope to hear some of your disabilities and stories.
I can tell you 100% that taking your life would solve nothing ! That would deprive the world of your knowledge !
Please don't ever take that route !

Jimmy Langford

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2020
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North Texas
I can tell you 100% that taking your life would solve nothing ! That would deprive the world of your knowledge !
Please don't ever take that route !
Thanks! That really means a lot to me, but you do have to ask yourself, in this age where intellectualism is on the decline, do people really want to know so much? I love teaching people things, but a problem I have in my life is no peers of mine want to learn. It’s truly sad! I for one, absolutely thrive on information. I suppress my intellectualism in school and act like a maniac! This is the reason I get along, as I always have, with older people.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2017
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Southeastern CT, U.S.A. Also in Adams & York Co,
Thanks! That really means a lot to me, but you do have to ask yourself, in this age where intellectualism is on the decline, do people really want to know so much? I love teaching people things, but a problem I have in my life is no peers of mine want to learn. It’s truly sad! I for one, absolutely thrive on information. I suppress my intellectualism in school and act like a maniac! This is the reason I get along, as I always have, with older people.
I'd had a simmilar experience. I'm only 18 now and about 6 years ago started this amazing hobby, you can do the math. Anyway, most people made fun of me or didn't get me in my late elementary school years, and I frequently acted out as a result. Then I was bullied in late elementary to early middle school. However, I didn't let these people or instances get to me and I eventually found this hobby in part as an outlet. The fact that there was so much to learn (much is still unknown) and that I was able to provide myself with something that I could actually take pride in and be good at really drove my self esteem through the roof. I began to talk to others more, gain more friends and even stand up for myself. In high school, people still continued to not understand the hobby, or even why I associated with those much older, but over time they and I began to realize how foolish they were, especially when I were to show them the collection of historic items I had amassed or even the money I was earning on the side :) .

Now, as a current college student, I will leave you with the advice that no matter what has been discovered there is always more to be found and learning will NEVER go away. It may seem like most don't care to learn, but there are plenty out there that do want to. Even some of my friends who don't care for bottles or history are interested time to time to hear about my finds or stories. It is your and my job to make people care. I went from a bullied and quiet kid to a forum poster, YouTuber, database website, owner, club member, antiques dealer, local bottle expert in my area etc.

I want end by saying that you are not alone. I also enjoy your posts and thank you for writing this one as sometimes it's important to recognize these things and discuss.

Thanks for reading,

Jimmy Langford

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2020
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North Texas
I'd had a simmilar experience. I'm only 18 now and about 6 years ago started this amazing hobby, you can do the math. Anyway, most people made fun of me or didn't get me in my late elementary school years, and I frequently acted out as a result. Then I was bullied in late elementary to early middle school. However, I didn't let these people or instances get to me and I eventually found this hobby in part as an outlet. The fact that there was so much to learn (much is still unknown) and that I was able to provide myself with something that I could actually take pride in and be good at really drove my self esteem through the roof. I began to talk to others more, gain more friends and even stand up for myself. In high school, people still continued to not understand the hobby, or even why I associated with those much older, but over time they and I began to realize how foolish they were, especially when I were to show them the collection of historic items I had amassed or even the money I was earning on the side :) .

Now, as a current college student, I will leave you with the advice that no matter what has been discovered there is always more to be found and learning will NEVER go away. It may seem like most don't care to learn, but there are plenty out there that do want to. Even some of my friends who don't care for bottles or history are interested time to time to hear about my finds or stories. It is your and my job to make people care. I went from a bullied and quiet kid to a forum poster, YouTuber, database website, owner, club member, antiques dealer, local bottle expert in my area etc.

I want end by saying that you are not alone. I also enjoy your posts and thank you for writing this one as sometimes it's important to recognize these things and discuss.

Thanks for reading,
Thank you for spending time to write that. What is your YouTube &/or social media ? I have a idea of both, but am not sure if it is you I am already following/ subscribed to.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2017
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Southeastern CT, U.S.A. Also in Adams & York Co,
Thank you for spending time to write that. What is your YouTube &/or social media ? I have a idea of both, but am not sure if it is you I am already following/ subscribed to.
It's PlaneDiggerCam on YouTube. I like to keep my social media between close friends and people more locally.

Jimmy Langford

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2020
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North Texas
It's PlaneDiggerCam on YouTube. I like to keep my social media between close friends and people more locally.
See, I thought you were someone I was already following. This guy has a similar name to you. No worries, I was just intending on you to say “Planeguys_exploration” for the social media. No need to give your own.



Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2017
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Southeastern CT, U.S.A. Also in Adams & York Co,

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