I think the biggest mystery of all regarding this discussion pertains to the 1906 connection, and especially to the 1906 Brussels connection. Other than what it says on the bottles themselves, I can find no indication that Lions mineral water nor the Van brothers were in operation in 1906. And yet we cannot deny the 1906 date is obviously connected in some way. As I said earlier, something definitely took place in Brussels in 1906. While searching for clues I discovered one of the most often mentioned brands of mineral water to receive an award in Brussels in 1906 was a brand from Serbia called "Bukovicka Banja," which is an historic spa that's still in operation today. I couldn't find a picture of one of their bottles, but I did find the attached ad that kept popping up during many of my searches. Somewhere on the label it apparently says something about their 1906 Brussels award. And even though I have done an exhaustive search to try and find out what type of exhibition or convention took place in Brussels in 1906 to account for the awards, I have yet to find anything to explain it. I'm convinced the 1906 date related to the Lions mineral water is legitimate, but unfortunately cannot find anything to substantiate it other than what it says on the bottles themselves. [ Bukovicka Banja Mineral Water ~ Serbia ~ Exact date unknown but most likely early 1900s ]