Ghost or Paranormal

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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2005
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okeh...while not exactly a ghost story...I think this poem I wrote sometime ago will fit the mood of theseason::: I 1st posted this on an Ebay chat board Oct 16 2001....:

hmmm...wasn't expecting such a total lack of any l'il ode musta shocked everyone too badly to, I removed it.

Perhaps it wasn't suitable...I cut my teeth on Lovecraft & Poe...Howard, King,Barker...and a host of other horror/fantasy writers. Not ta mention the scads of horror films I saw and still go to see....Just me I guess...[;)]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2005
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I found this True Story I had recorded shortly after it occurred: Will substitute it for my "Ode"....This would fall under "Paranormal."

The year is 1971 and I had a odd one that I remembered well.
I dreamed I was in a wrecked car,a white car, and my back ached and
something wet was running down my face. Laying on wet grass partially.
Couldn't see as my glasses were missing. Figured I'd crawl on out of the
window that I was lying through and walk over to my In-laws for help.
Woke up from the dream. Didn't give it a lotta thought although I'd had
these premonition dreams before. Main reason was I didn't own a white
car...I had a 64 Ford Galaxie XL 500 Maroon and white and the car in the
dream was smaller, and all white.

March wife wrecks and totals our Ford....she's okay. I go car
shopping. Tried out several ,then the salesman takes me over to one that
had just that day been traded in and wasn't even cleaned up yet. I test
drove it...ran good,shifted smooth,looked sharp and he gave me a great
break on the price...seems he was trying to get salesman of the month
and he'd sell it to me at cost. I took the deal and drove my 1970 Cougar
XR-7 home....oh, was solid WHITE. See how all that came

Three months to the day after my wife totaled the Ford,I was driving the
Cougar to work. It was pouring down rain,water running in rivulets
across the road.puddling,etc.Went into a curve a little fast,hit a
stream of water running across the road,lost control and slid down over
an embankment.Car struck sideways in concrete culvert throwing me
through the door glass and onto the wet grass at its edge. My glasses
flew from my face....bystander found them on the trunk. My right ear was
severely ripped and blood was running down my face.Someone
said,damn,he's torn his ear off. Went to pull myself from the car and
got an extreme shock from the pain in my back.Compression fracture of
the Lower Lumbar,the Doc called it. Across the highway and less than two
blocks away lived my In-laws. I mind my dreams more closely since then.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2005
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A few years ago...Dallas Bridgeman and I were scouting out an old holler...(LOL)...up near White's Mill ,VA....back in the late 1800's there used to be a couple of cabins in it. Dallas told me his Granny said the holler was hainted...What the haint was or did is unknown...but the holler was strangely birds,etc...
We dug a few test holes and found only circa 1900 broken glass and china...Never located the actual dump. Seems some logging had occurred back in the 40's and the area had been disturbed quite a bit.
Dallas took this pic of me...When I showed it to him later, he stated "that" had to be a sign the holler was hainted...I dunno.


dunno what the white rectangle in the background is either...weren't no signs or nuthin' there...


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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2005
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Funny how being alone in the woods can make your imagination more susceptible to running wild...
I went diggin' today. Dinna find much: JFG Coffee jar, White House prune juice in green, 2 green Certos, 4 salt shakers all cear glass but patterned, 5 marbles, a glass drawer knob, some small cosmetic type bottles, and a 6 oz Grapette with good the usual Phillips, Lysols, Noxemas, Norwich, milk glass face cream jars,pickles and ketchups...
Anyway...there I was diggin' along and suddenly there came this "kerplunk" sound from the creek....Figuring someone was on the other side and had tossed in a rock, I paused and took a look around. Dinna see nuthin' or no one. Went back ta diggin'...about 15 minutes later, heard another "kerplunk."
Stopped and looked around signs of anyone. By now I was thinking my buddy Rob, who sometimes comes here with me, was sneakin' around and tryin' ta spook me a bit. Thought he may have driven by, seen my truck and slipped down along the creek.
I resumed diggin'....maybe 20 minutes passed and then....there came two "kerplunks" from the creek. Even Rob wasn't this patient I thought...must be something "else" going on. I walked around a bit and didn't see a soul...
Then, while I was gettin' out some Gator Ade ta drink, the "kerplunk" sounded again...and I finally saw what it was:

Walnuts ...falling outta the trees and into the creek...LOL.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2004
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The Electric City,Upstate NY
its all swampgas.......

I have my fair share of "ghost??" pics from places,seems that the digi cams pick up the red/blue spectrum more than a non-digi....

fast bit on orbs- could be dust,rain drops/weather conditions,or lense flares
,but if you have one with body and it seems to be moving then you got one....


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2005
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Makes me think of the auction I saw on eBay, for a real ghost caught in a jar. Do I believe in ghosts?
Well, as I say about all kinds of things "Well, anything is possible".
Anyone else see this auction?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2005
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LOL...that "Ghost in the Jar" was a record setter for the number of "hits" ...also had a lot of imitators and spin-off sales.too.
Nice concept , wish I'd thought of it...[:(]


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2004
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This post is getting interesting.
I have also seen starlike lights in the night sky. Un- noticed untill it moved. It made a sharp right, traveled in a straight line, then reversed it's course and faded away. I'm happy I have witnesses. Planes don't move like this-Sattellite?
I took a pic of a bike I was selling. I'm still tring to figure out where the snowflakes came from in July. Guess I shouldn't have uncorked that bottle. The orbs seem to protect my collection-I knocked one from the top shelf to the second and it survived.
Another true story. I live in a small, older cottage.
I was disturbed about midnight by a noise in the living room and went to check it out.
I saw a man standing against the wall. 20 feet away. His arms at his sides. We stared at each other eye to eye for about 5 seconds. I blinked and the intruder was gone. Just vanished. I searched everywhere-nothing out of the ordinary. It made my eyes water.
Still does.



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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2005
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Federal Way, WA
For me strange things started happening long ago. At first I was terrified, then just started to ignore things. I met a neighbor who was able to connect with the paranormal and had strange abilities. After listening to her and her mom brag for months about things, I decided to take them bottle hunting. We went on a day that was nice when we left, but after getting to the sight things got really errie. I had never seen orbbs before but they were all over the place. I always have had very vivid dreams as to where old towns and homesites were located, and have been guided by some unknown source that I guess I had always taken for granted. Well, my friend didn't take it for granted! We were looking around, as I was telling her where I thought things were. We heard a horse coming towards us, and a man started saying stuff to my friend as him and his horse almost ran her over. She decided we were leaving as she got a sick feeling, someone was going to get hurt. As we were leaving we started seeing ghost from the past. Her truck started having problems and didn't want to move. When we got home her mom saw an indian figure in the truck with us, and asked why he wasn't coming in the house? I just kinda blew off the experience as being normal. My friends didn't want anything to do with me, as I had far more abilities than both of them together, and they were afraid of me.
I think the scariest experience I have ever had, was digging at an old town site in the Cascade mountains. The entire town was razed many years ago. I have one of the few maps ever in existance and some pictures, so I always feel lucky digging there. My daughter, the dog and I went there one day. Found bottles, silverware, coins amongst other neat things. My daughter was diiging a short distance from me, and kept asking me what I was yelling about, throughout the day. I told her it was the wind, she was hearing. We lost track of time, as it started to get dark we knew we had to get going as it was two miles to the car. I kept saying just one more, as I was finding more and more good stuff. As it was almost so dark I decided that we would come back the next morning and start again. On our we to the truck, it felt as we were being followed. I tried to tell myself it was just my imagination. The dog froze in his tracks and didn't want to move. My daughter said she thought she heard someone calling her name. I finally got the dog moving again (not in easy thing for 120# rott/pit bull mix) he started acting really strange, and froze again. We heard a door slame and people laughing. The dog almost knocked me over trying to protect me. He started growling so much, he began foaming at the mouth and looked like he had rabbies or something. My daughter heard it too, and was scared to death. At this point I knew what was going on was real. The last house was razed over 50 years prior. Nothing but trees and wild animals for over 20 miles and several mountain ranges. We ran almost two miles back to the truck, with the dog herding us growling all the way. As we left my truck having problems, the brakes went out, the radio would turn on and off, the heater would come on and the lights kept going dim. My dog was totally spooked and kept trying to attack thin air. This made a true believer out of me. Fortunately, none of the bottles or jars broke!
Since this event, I've had strange things occuring to me, which I can't quite explain. Something has been leading to sights, long forgotten even by old timers. What is even stranger is I feel as I've been there before. Over the summer I toured a few area's with some archeologist from the UW, and knew far more then some of them who had studied the area for years. They were amazed I knew so much, for some things they did extensive research coming up empty handed. I was afraid to tell them my sources.
It might sound strange, but I've learned to respect the unknown. If I feel another's presence I take the time to acknowledge them, introduce myself, explain why I am there, ask permission and always thank them and say good bye as I leaving.
If anyone has doubts or just want an experience of a lifetime let me know, I know of several sights that are left untouched since the towns folded prior 1900. Some I haven't had the courage to dig myself, as the experience trying to get there has left me to spooked to go further by myself. I 've talked to many old timers and indian elders who won't go there either, and have been warned not to go where the animals won't.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2005
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Honeymoon City Canada
I have dug near the Screaming Tunnels a few times, and though I do not believe in the paranormal....every singe time I go there I get the creeps.

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