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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2007
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Peoria Co.
He y I've gotten a few fat chicks drunk before too...

I was merely pointing out that you've taken the thread away from the original topic. As far as your personal life go's I dont care. I'm sure your a stud muffin. But what bothers me about you is your misleading "wealth of information". Give it a rest, this isnt a thesis, its a bottle club! Your way to young to have it all figured out, but on a serious note I'm sure you'll add quite a lot to the hobby once you get past your ego barrier and finds thing are not quite what you were expecting when you thought you had it all figured out.

And your quote, stolen from another forum while you were lurking is taking out of context. But I stand by it...

I dont think Paracelsus would hang out with you either...

Instead of taking up another piece of this thread I'd like to add here the statement was made in general for anyone, with the fluctuation in prices anyone can judge price better with a little research then they a bottle book written two years ago can tell you.

I also as a child had a large imagination. I would walk down old city streets and see people in the period I imagined myself to be in, right down to horse and buggy rolling by... I've no intent of being mean or disgruntled, but if your going to set yourself up and make attacks I will respond, once. Otherwise I'll keep it to myself.

Yes sir, I've gotten some fatties drunk as well, but they deserve love and attention just like everyone else. Dude, I am not seeking validation from you or anyone else, and it is not necessary. I just look inward and find my strength. I am not a "stud muffin" and hate such an idea and the people who fall into that shallow and exploitive category. The point of the picture was to show that I wasn't some scheisty looking cretin, as you were probably hoping, that is all. Those girls are incredibly sweet and good people, and their shoulders are closer to the camera hence the apparent wideness, but it wouldnt matter if they were fat anyway. One of them is my patient and loving girl of 2 1/2 years, so thanks for making another personal attack, but as you said I set myself up for it, or whatever. I gather that you are likewise in a relationship, and I hope she loves you for the person you are, underneath the facade that you present here. If I wrote a thesis and juxtaposed it with my ramblings here, then this all would look like the chicken scratch that it is. I don't know what was all that misleading about what I wrote unless it was misunderstood, as I composed it in good faith and said I was a beginner, so if you have something better to replace it with then do it, rather than make insulting and unsubstantiated claims. Correct me respectfully like the wiser Doug did. We are here to learn and help others learn. I know via my psychology curriculum that the only thing we ever know is that we know NOTHING. All that we believe we know is a combination of our incomplete perceptions with our unique personal experience. That is why some people are more excited about a blank ABM than another person is about one of their 100 historical flasks. It all has to do with the vagaries of faulty human perception, which you seem to think are an embodiment of absolute, immutable truth. It was you and madpaddla arranging to go dig that took this post away from the original topic, involving far more posts than I have taken up here, with far less of substance that is added to the core reason that this thread exists, and please deny that. I was trying to make a couple points that all diggers, new and old, could possibly make use of, the implications of which I feel you have missed.

The point of participating on this forum is to spread the love and knowledge of bottles, to let beginners know that they can and should aspire to greatness in this hobby, and if you go on acting the way you do then you may discourage many of the lurkers here, people who certainly haven't experienced all that you have, some of whom haven't even gotten the chance yet to experience the little pittance that i have been exposed to. Can't you see how hypocritical it is to read what I wrote and think that I am a lowly know-it-all, and then bash me based upon your faulty perceptions, while you go out and clearly embody an arrogance which I have specifically tried to distance myself from? If you walk around like you are the best of the best, then sooner or later someone will put you in your place, or at least try to change the way you think. It seems that you are more the one that enjoys validation, and obtain it by slyly denigrating our fellow diggers. Not to say you are the worst one here in that regard, by any means, but I sense that the trait it is there and it bothers me.

I know that I don't have it all figured out, and know that I never will. All that anyone can do is strive for knowledge and the understanding to implement it, and to achieve some sort of subjective perfection of perception based upon one's unique attributes. Just because I use the kind of language I know, there is no logical correlation that I have a big ego. I am shy as hell and in social interaction, and I speak and act like the people that I am with. I try to absorb rather than regurgitate myself everywhere. I have no desire to assert my dominance over them, because I know intrinsically what it feels like to be improperly judged as a result of incomplete data. We can learn volumes from the most humble lives, so I try to remain open to those overlooked truths. Do you? Just yesterday I had a half hour conversation with a 32 year old homeless man who was by the dump I found, and I learned some incredible things about the world that I would have never known had I judged him by the cover and went on my way. The nature and states of a singular atom are far too complicated for any human to truly know; a truth as clear as day in my mind, so to claim what you claim at times is a showcase of your own cosmic ignorance. What upsets me is that you seem to think that you have figured it all out, yet instead of trying to help this well-read and aspiring digger by communicating directly with her mind and telling her all there is to know, you offer several lines, say that everything I wrote is bogus, and then arrange to go dig with someone. And I took it away from the original topic?

Paracelsus would probably enjoy the company of a fellow iconoclast and freethinker actually, just a thought.
And it is not that I don't like you, I just don't like to be around or support people that act like you. You make me want to start fanatically collecting coins again rather than continue digging, if this is what I should expect from certain glass collectors. I already know how you feel about me.

The revision of your claim is far more in line with what I am getting at, thanks for stating it.

And it seems that imagination is one of the reasons that we both dig and collect. Many young people play video games and watch TV because they can't derive enjoyment from objects that are superficially non-dynamic. They like having their entertainment presented to them instead of creating it themselves. It is good that you were created as a perceptive individual, just keep in mind that the gifts you possess may not be shared by certain others in this hobby, and their struggles are not due to an inherent inferiority. They are just different, so please try to accept that and help them find what they need from within.

And if this dialogue constitutes a reason for getting banned from this forum, then I see no need to remain here anyway.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2007
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Peoria Co.
edit - sounds good man. Take care and know that i still respect you as the digger and historian you are, despite our rather explosive dialogue.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2007
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connecticut - nor cal
Sometimes the best advice is saying nothing at all. Bottles are just about everywhere. If I said to look along the stone walls, then the bottles would be under the barn, if I said to look under the barn, then they would buried in a pit...

It's very hard for us to give good advice as to where to look for bottles, except to say to look everywhere! You just never know where a bottle will show up... there are no rules, just guide lines. Look for the places people couldn't use most of the time...

I do know that they will show up in the marshes, but I dont know how or exactly where! Good luck, and I hope you do find something soon...


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2005
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Lexington, Ky.
Don't give up just yet! If you want to dig privies you need to be in a fairly good sized town. Usually if you just explain what you want to do, assure them that you won't tear up the yard, and offer to share the finds you will have a decent success rate. For every No you are one step closer to your next Yes... it's the laws of probability. Once you find your first privy, the rest will be easier. Not every dig will always go as planned and even the best diggers still get skunked every now and then. Not every privy is full of good bottles to, alot of them are full of busted up stuff and a few slicks. The main thing to do is try to not overcomplicate it. It's not rocket science. You poke the ground for a soft spot, lay out a tarp, and dig a hole. If you find some bottles then you did good and if you don't then you'll have to Try Again! You will hit streaks where you will dig alot of bottles in a short time and other streaks where you won't be able to dig any good bottles over a long period of time. Every time you dig a spot that's one less spot to dig! Chris


Active Member
Oct 6, 2007
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Many thanks to everyone who offered advice. To the rest, I had no idea I could start such a "diatribe" with an innocent question. Please set my thread free of pissing contests. Much appreciated.
Now back to the Quest of the Newbie as I think this thread may prove to be useful to many others to come. I have located the foundation of a really old brick factory around 1870, right by the water. A large portion of the chimney still stands. I also found old pictures that show how it used to look. Do you think this would be a good spot? If yes, it's a huge area, so where should I start my search.
To answer a few of the questions about the island if anyone is still interested.Yes this island was really developed back in the day, to a large extent, even more so than it is today. There was a train, at least four seaports, three bustling towns with doctors, lawyers, restaurants (some of which still stand), a huge variety of stores. The richest people were involved in whaling. Also, there were many large farms. We do have a state forest but outside of that, everything is privately owned with a huge emphasis on preservation/ conservation and the like which makes this so difficult. It's nontheless a very unique place. We even have an active Indian tribe. For all these reasons, I would love to find something local. I have looked at Sanborn maps, but they are mostly of the main downtown areas which are densely built now. How do you identify the outhouse on those? Just small structures at the end of properties?
I am going to keep trying. I don't have a probe. I would like to get one though. Any suggestions? How about metal detectors? Someone told me that whereever there is metal, there is glass.

Thank you all and happy digging...

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