Wow! I am jealous for sure....very nice finds. I dug in New Hampshire for many years and never did find a Stoddard ink...dug a few pontiled bitters but nothing like that one. Congratulations! Fantastic finds for sure!
For all our massive range of bottles etc we find here, you guys certainly find pontilled much easier than us, (or else we haven't gotten onto digging the privies etc yet!). A good amount of our pre1850 stuff with pontils got recycled, so even though these aren't tremendous value it would be great feel to dig them here...well the English versions anyway! facebook group: Earlyglass for sale & show
I would like to get one or two old shaft and globe bottles in my collection. When I find them the price is always too hign for my budget. I appreciate your pictures and coverage descriptions. They just didn't have many of them in upstate New York. RED Matthews