Clueless Michiganders with a LOT of Bottles.

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Dec 13, 2021
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I bet you have a old Privy on that Farm House Property probably full of Bottles. Maybe a old Dump out Back??? LEON.
Like this? D2972FAE-842D-4378-A042-6D64EB32BC50.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2006
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NO, Most likely the Privy is not Viseable. It would have to be found with a Probe. a Privy is a Old Out House. And many have old Bottles at the Bottom like this. LEON.


Nov 14, 2020
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Hi Sarah,

Nice start to a future lifetime together. I suggest a storage locker to alleviate SOME of the overflow. BTW, I got married in my MIL's backyard. Sure enough, there was a dump there. (Dug it. :)) --Good luck to you both. Make sure those bottles go to good homes but don't be in a rush.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2018
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What a marvelous piece of history you have been given. As a collector digger and dealer I am amazed at the amount of people that have a mystery collection stashed away. I have helped disperse a couple collections over the years and would be interested in looking at yours. And to help in any way with sorting and identifying what you have. if interested you can message me on a private email. I am in SW Mich also
Thanks and Good luck with hour fortune.


New Member
Nov 3, 2012
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I would be interested in looking at the entire collection and either appraising it for you and possibly buing the entire lot. I am a bottle collector and dealer (scharno on eBay) and sell bottles from $10 up to the hundreds of dollars. I would give you my estimate of the value of the collection and then make you an offer and you could decide from there. I live in Owosso, and could make the drive to the west side of the state most any time. I am off work the next 2 weeks, so have plenty of time. Let me know. Thank you.


New Member
Mar 16, 2014
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Thank you for your fun post! My dad used to go to Muskegon. He worked for the Squire Dingee company, and their Ma Brown pickles. I love my Michigan summers memories. It would be a blessing to me if you happen to dig up one of those old jars to see an image. And of you decide to sell individual bottles, maybe even learn how I might buy one from you. Fun to remember, and to see your photos. Thank you again for your post!

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New Member
Jan 31, 2021
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It's just bottles, bottles everywhere, until I got him to move some of the boxes into a safe, unused, cat-free room. They all seem to be in decent condition, though - At least a lot of the ones I've managed to unwrap and take a gander at.

I'm now totally at sea.

Not going to lie, I'm a numismatist through and through.

The bf has an obnoxiously large collection gifted to him, that we'd like to understand as far as value, etc. and hopefully get them moved outta here!

Most bottles were probably found doing bottle digging (I didn't even know it was a thing; give me a metal detector any day of the week, though) & also probably Western Michigan as that's where he's from and this is a thing his dad and grandfather did.

Apparently his dad didn't want the boxes and boxes (AND BOXES) of these things, so now they've got their own bedroom. Which of course, needs clearin' out.

So I know some of these must be worth more than .10 (MI deposit value), probably not as much as my 1972 1c DDO#4, but it's a large collection I've barely looked. at. For some reason he felt he had to tell this antique junkie to not try returning them....I'm not too bad at trash v. treasure!

I am learning self-learning a few things, but always found my Lincoln Coin Forum fellows a big help when I got into it. So I'm asking for a little help and perhaps trusted collectors interested in some or part of the lot of them.

I get a few things here and there about color, the funky holes on the bottom (or lack thereof), general interest, condition...but then again, I'm not the expert so I'm hoping this ridiculous collection I'll have some questions about doesn't bother anyone.

It's like an unsearched wheat roll! I'm going to attach some photos from the two boxes (one had larger bottles, the other had smaller apothecary type drug bottles), and these things have been pretty much unseen for years.

Some of them are even admittedly pretty gosh darn cool and I wish I could have some Electric Bitters.

Probably going to be lazy and use this as an introductory post (hey, I did that!).

Also, who knows, future bottle digs may commence as we live on over an acre of 1800's farmhouse fun.

Most of these are yes, from Michigan. At least what I looked at. Muskegon in particular. Some are of course from other places, and kind of nifty.

We just need help with all these bottles....I apologize for the lack of setup with some attached photos I figured I'd include to show some of
what I found in those two boxes.
Thanks everyone! And for the record, I'm Sarah!

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Hi Dan from Mich here. I am a collector and if you still have them I would like to see them and will offer you a very fair price for them. Thanks


New Member
Jun 16, 2016
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It's just bottles, bottles everywhere, until I got him to move some of the boxes into a safe, unused, cat-free room. They all seem to be in decent condition, though - At least a lot of the ones I've managed to unwrap and take a gander at.

I'm now totally at sea.

Not going to lie, I'm a numismatist through and through.

The bf has an obnoxiously large collection gifted to him, that we'd like to understand as far as value, etc. and hopefully get them moved outta here!

Most bottles were probably found doing bottle digging (I didn't even know it was a thing; give me a metal detector any day of the week, though) & also probably Western Michigan as that's where he's from and this is a thing his dad and grandfather did.

Apparently his dad didn't want the boxes and boxes (AND BOXES) of these things, so now they've got their own bedroom. Which of course, needs clearin' out.

So I know some of these must be worth more than .10 (MI deposit value), probably not as much as my 1972 1c DDO#4, but it's a large collection I've barely looked. at. For some reason he felt he had to tell this antique junkie to not try returning them....I'm not too bad at trash v. treasure!

I am learning self-learning a few things, but always found my Lincoln Coin Forum fellows a big help when I got into it. So I'm asking for a little help and perhaps trusted collectors interested in some or part of the lot of them.

I get a few things here and there about color, the funky holes on the bottom (or lack thereof), general interest, condition...but then again, I'm not the expert so I'm hoping this ridiculous collection I'll have some questions about doesn't bother anyone.

It's like an unsearched wheat roll! I'm going to attach some photos from the two boxes (one had larger bottles, the other had smaller apothecary type drug bottles), and these things have been pretty much unseen for years.

Some of them are even admittedly pretty gosh darn cool and I wish I could have some Electric Bitters.

Probably going to be lazy and use this as an introductory post (hey, I did that!).

Also, who knows, future bottle digs may commence as we live on over an acre of 1800's farmhouse fun.

Most of these are yes, from Michigan. At least what I looked at. Muskegon in particular. Some are of course from other places, and kind of nifty.

We just need help with all these bottles....I apologize for the lack of setup with some attached photos I figured I'd include to show some of
what I found in those two boxes.
Thanks everyone! And for the record, I'm Sarah!

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Hello Sarah,
I live in Fruitport MI. I have been collecting bottles for over 50 years. I would be interested in meeting with you to see what you have. Send me a PM with your E-mail or number and I will contact you. My name is Bob.

and i will call you and we can discuss more.

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