Well-Known Member
You come home from the garbage dump with more than you went with.
I sure hope so[]
You come home from the garbage dump with more than you went with.
ORIGINAL: mtfdfire22
Holy chit E ! you typed all that out didn't you? []
You know your a red neck if you dig out crap holes in peoples yards.
you really know your a redneck when after digging the crap hole you take home what you found in the crap hole.
ORIGINAL: cacarpetbagger
Red neck, I know it means something different now but I think the term came from miners trying to organize unions in the late 1800's and early 1900's. They wore red bandanas around their necks. The movement turned into the largest armed uprising in America beside the civil war, I think. I like the jokes. The only mortared hole I have dug was bowl shaped and bout six feet deep in the middle. figured it to be a cistern, lots of bottles not to old.
ORIGINAL: Penn Digger
New name for Sick Rick, now Redneck Ricky. LOL [8D] I think I like it better.