Delaware Punch..from Vancouver BC..who knew?

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Sep 21, 2014
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That 7oz is dated 1944...but yes I guess they used them into the 50's. I never really gave much thought as to which flavors came in certain'd think green glass would be for ginger ales and lemon-lime only. I really wonder If this 7oz bottle came in clear glass for Rumming's? I have the 12 oz green ACL with the newer label design...seen it before?Oh also in case you did not know the 7oz green came with no ACl just embossed along the Rummings, they used it for there paper label GA. and there is a 30fl oz embossed and 30fl oz ACL...not sure if you knew that as well?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2014
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Yeah I have my doubts about the 7 oz one coming in clear glass, I've never seen one and usually the clear version is much more common. I'm thinking they probably used the 7 oz bastion bottle for other beverages at the same time, since that's another one used by both Rumming's and Island. Doesn't explain where the 6.5 oz bastion bottles fit into things though.Not sure which one you're talking about with the 12 oz, do you mean the one with "Only Filtered Water Used" on the neck? That one's an earlier one, though it's the only 12 oz bottle I can think of from them. I have the paper label one with the heel embossing, sans label of course. I also have a super ugly example of the 30 oz ACL, but not the embossed green or clear ones.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2014
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Yea just kind of wondered about it because other companies use the clear. Yes the 6.5 oz keeps you thinking! Yup that's the 12oz I meant. I know we're both still getting a bit stumped with these date codes, and you say that 12oz ACL predates the 7oz ACL? my bottles conflict that ,here are the date codes 7oz- B <> 4.....1944...bottle design is consistent with 1940's and the 12oz- C <> 0 .....1950....could that be 1940?...they used a different date code for 1940,41,42,43...a series of dots and lines.Well maybe they did buy up old stock bottles and use them in the 50's ? but I'm pretty sure most bottle plant's moved product along pretty darn fast.That's the problem when we do not have enough bottle samples to draw a conclusion.We were talking about this date code thing earlier and I'm running into the same problem now with my 7up ACL's from the 50's-60's.


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May 24, 2014
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Oh, that's really weird. The mystery deepens. The reason I thought those ones were earlier is because I found broken examples of those in a dump that went from the thirties into the mid forties. I figured that the two green seven ounce designs weren't used simultaneously, and I found the seven ounce of your design and farther down the embossed ones but none of the Quality Unsurpassed ones. Plus since the Quality Unsurpassed logo appears on the Island bottles it must have either been in use right before they took over or at least still fresh in people's memories. Also the Quality Unsurpassed says exactly how much benzoate of soda is in there, while the other ones just say it's in there and the 30 oz doesn't mention it at all, suggesting that the Quality Unsurpassed is later. One possibility could be that there were different bottle designs used in different towns. Though why they would have done that doesn't have an easy answer. It's also possible that our info on the date codes is incorrect. I had no idea that they used dots and dashes for the early forties, do you have a picture of that? I can't think of ever seeing it. I always thought it was the letter codes from 41 through til 53.


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Sep 21, 2014
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I'll post the link for info here:, it's PDF scroll down to pg 2, 3 , 4.......they figured the dot code may not have been used past 1940 as they suddenly switched to the letter code, and they indicate it was on a milk bottle...still leaves me wondering about it. I've dated the 7oz Rumming's correctly at 1944, but the 0 on the 12oz bottle throws a fellow off. those 7oz may have been used for a long time, does your 7oz none ACL have a date code?Yes you are correct: " I always thought it was the letter codes from 41 through til 53."Have a read on that and tell me what you think? in the mean time here is a picture of some Rumming's from the website He also has a clear embossed one on there. [attachment=Rumming Nanaimo-]


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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2014
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Wow, never knew about that report! Never thought Parks Canada would have been interested in 20th century bottles in 1986. Most bottle collectors weren't even interested in 20th century glass very much in 1986. I'm pretty sure I've never seen that dot and dash code before on the base of a bottle, but maybe on the heel of a milk bottle. Seems like it would make sense if they started out only on milk bottles too, since they're the ones reused for the longest time usually. My heel-embossed Rumming's was made by Consumer's, so it doesn't have a date code unless they used a system that we don't know about. I'm pretty sure it's too old to have a date code if it were a Dominion bottle though. I'm guessing that one was used alongside the latest horizontal embossing clear ones, or just after. Something interesting but probably irrelevant I just noticed is that the Quality Unsurpassed bottle in the picture there is a different design from your typical 7oz, the neck is much more conical in shape. Yours looks slightly different, and has a thicker neck ACL. Same with mine. So that suggests that they were in use for a while at least.Also, you may want to replace your link with; .com is the website of a strangely patriotic American strip club.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2014
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Attention to Admin.! If you can Remove the link in my last post (the out house dot com one) as it was not intended in any way! . .. Please accept my apologies to anyone that finds it offensive, I would remove it but there is no edit function? Ok I have no idea how that happened?Yes very interesting read hey, I stumbled upon that last year when searching for info about Dominion glass. Did you know that Consumers glass did not get their ACL machine until 1940? that may explain the lack of ACL's from them on those 7oz. Did you get a chance to see the paper label that was on those bottles?.. since that link was wrong.


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May 24, 2014
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Oh yeah, I forgot the edit function timed out after a while. That's annoying. Huh, that's good to know about Consumer's, it'll help with dating their bottles a little bit at least. I doubt that they don't have ACL's because Consumer's couldn't produce them, since they could have just gone to Dominion instead, more likely it seems that Rumming's just didn't feel like putting the money into buying ACL bottles yet at that point, or possibly it wasn't available from anyone yet, since that one could be from the early 30's or so. Jeez, figuring out the chronology of these things is hard. Another question is that I know Rumming's used internal thread bottles up until the 1920's, there's a photo with a truck to prove it, and supposedly their Ladysmith operation ended in 1914, so then how do the ABM bottles with Nanaimo and Ladysmith fit into things? Unless they used the large green internal thread bottles long after they stopped using the small aqua ones, which is quite possible. I'm very familiar with, that website's given me a lot of useful info over the years. Though somehow I missed this obvious and incredibly confounding piece until just now: " IN 1944, WILLIAM RETIRED, AND THE COMPANY BECAME RUMMINGS LIMITED." So unless Wilson and Askey were wrong, Limited means post-1944. And that means that the Filtered Water bottles can't be older than your Quality Unsurpassed bottle. Which asks the question of how Quality Unsurpassed ended up on the Island Bottling bottle. So here's my new theory: they started off with Quality Unsurpassed bottles, then switched to Filtered Water bottles, then everyone said "Wow, those are ugly" (they really are), and they switched back when they bought their next batch. Or they used two designs simultaneously, thinking they'd stop using the Quality Unsurpassed design when they ran out, but they decided to order more of them instead of the newer design.


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Sep 21, 2014
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Ok so I'm not loosing my mind! great work there!... the ugly 12oz is 1950!...This I wrote down 4 days ago from the same site, I'm not kidding..ha ha W.E. Rummings 1900-1928Rumming Bottling works 1928-1944Rumming's Limited 1944-1954 It just was not clicking in my mind. The month code on my 7oz is B- March/April 1944 and I have 2 of the 12oz bottles with identical dates C <> 0 May/June 1950,hard to believe but true...maybe they were going for a retro look?...lolI would tend to think the bottles verify the information as correct, this was probably in the works in 1943, unless someone has that 7oz dated 1943! So my bottle would be the first batch then, although there could be an example with a A code. I had the chance to get another one in mint shape back in February but I past on it as I already had it, ugggg the irony of it all man!.. I never even looked at the date:( here we are working on these! Note to self: If you do not buy the bottle photograph it with your phone!...or write the info down. Not sure about the older Rumming bottles...just not up to speed on them as I have no examples, but what your suggesting makes perfect sense to me. Where is this photo of the truck?This thread has given me a Eureka! moment, touched something off on dating a Thorpe & Co bottle and my Whistle!...I now know the year on them!...who hoo!


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2014
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The photo of the truck is Pioneer Soda Companies of B.C. by Wilson and Askey, the one B.C. bottle book still (or at least recently) in print. Jeez, figuring out these bottles is a lot harder than you'd think! And it's only Rumming's, which is the Nanaimo company where's there's still a lot of info out there on it. Now if you want a real puzzle try figuring out Nanaimo Bottling Works. They've somehow got an incredibly rare 20's bottle, then disappear for a decade until they have an ACL. It's definitely the same company, owned by James E. Parrot.

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