Holy bologna, that's a good one!

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Nov 14, 2020
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I'd leave the dried ink too--might be a small crack under there.:rolleyes: Great find. ...I once dug an old school house site. The prize find--a teacher who had been left on cafe duty too long.


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Oct 5, 2021
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I have a little ash midden pile that I periodically visit. Every time I dig a hole there I get something great. Unfortunately its fairly exposed, so I never spend much more then 10 minutes on it, and always backfill and sweep over my hole in hopes of keeping my secret spot untouched by all but myself. This past weekend I had a few minutes, and gave it a shot. picked a random spot, dug down two feet and popped out the best ink I've ever dug.
View attachment 229914

Wowza!!! I am brand new to the tab talk and to be honest it’s been a bit difficult to figure out but I paid for one year subscription so I guess I should have plenty of time to figure it out but knowing me I’ll have a week left before I figure it out. Anyway how awesome is your bottle amazing wonderful and fabulous. I don’t know where this property is if you on the property or it’s a place that you can go to without any problems. But you are one lucky person! About 25years ago, A friend of mine was going through a divorce and stayed in my outbuilding and he is the one that showed and taught me about anti-bottles that you can dig out of the ground. I was immediately addicted and absolutely in love with the old thick glass and could be dug up out of the ground it just blew my mind. So I found the local dump that was original originally started like in the 1900s anyway I did there probably every single day for two years I have quite a vast antique bottle collection and I actually have an ink bottle exactly like the one you’ve shown in this picture. Probably why I am commenting on it now and you are the very first thing I’ve done on tap talk… I am in Albany Oregon I don’t know where you’re located like I said I just now started tap truck so if the information is already available and I’ve overlooked it forgive me for that but yeahYes it is a beautiful bottle mine has some thick fat bubbles in the bottom which to me made it even more spectacular. I will have to take a picture of my China hutch and share it with other bottle collectors here thank you for your time and I apologize that this is so long

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New Member
Oct 5, 2021
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Wowza!!! I am brand new to the tab talk and to be honest it’s been a bit difficult to figure out but I paid for one year subscription so I guess I should have plenty of time to figure it out but knowing me I’ll have a week left before I figure it out. Anyway how awesome is your bottle amazing wonderful and fabulous. I don’t know where this property is if you on the property or it’s a place that you can go to without any problems. But you are one lucky person! About 25years ago, A friend of mine was going through a divorce and stayed in my outbuilding and he is the one that showed and taught me about anti-bottles that you can dig out of the ground. I was immediately addicted and absolutely in love with the old thick glass and could be dug up out of the ground it just blew my mind. So I found the local dump that was original originally started like in the 1900s anyway I did there probably every single day for two years I have quite a vast antique bottle collection and I actually have an ink bottle exactly like the one you’ve shown in this picture. Probably why I am commenting on it now and you are the very first thing I’ve done on tap talk… I am in Albany Oregon I don’t know where you’re located like I said I just now started tap truck so if the information is already available and I’ve overlooked it forgive me for that but yeahYes it is a beautiful bottle mine has some thick fat bubbles in the bottom which to me made it even more spectacular. I will have to take a picture of my China hutch and share it with other bottle collectors here thank you for your time and I apologize that this is so long

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OK so I found my own post I am navigating fairly well I read all of the posts about your umbrella Inc. that you found and I feel like I am home hello you all bottle collectors… If you have any type of antique books at all for a bottle collecting you can look this umbrella Inc. up it should list all colors that were made you know for the umbrella ink bottles blah blah blah I do believe it is a teal color yeah I’m current value I’m not up on. I used to be, but that was a long time ago. It is a really nice bottle and I am very excited to be able to look at photos and maybe post some of my own and just to hang out with you fabulous bottle collectors!

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