Wow where did all the time go and something new!!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
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Thanks everyone my Dad had a rough day today,stubborn man fell down at the hospital parking lot on his way to see the oncologist about beginning chemo. He was climbing out of my brothers big Dodge truck and refuses to use his walker given to him for now as he is weak from the cancer and soon to be weaker from the chemo. The new site is a lot of work but I promise to have some new material posted there also. I hope some of you will send me pictures of your best bottles, I know you guys have them!!! AJohn well spoken as usual,To the rest of you thanks for the kind words I really mean it and send me the pictures of your best bottles and glass I can make them look great on line no need to re-size all sizes fit including plus sizes![8D]

Hey true story Wednesday this week I worked at Pomona Air Force Base near Atlantic City. The 177th fighter wing flys out of there and I was upgrading the Data circuit to the exchange store on base. The woman working at the base told me on Monday past the food services delivery vendor was at the base and had made his delivery to the store. As he pulled away a large square heavy package still wrapped containing of all things a microwave oven fell out the back of his truck. Unfortunately the box with the microwave picture label on it was surrounded by a plain larger box. Someone called base security and before you knew it the package had become a BOMB. The base was evacuated and the robotic bomb squad from the Atlantic County Sheriffs strike force was called in. To make matters worse the fuel element inside the oven was giving of readings as to it potentially being a bomb. Well after all of this was put into action the gentleman who lost the package called the base to ask if they had found a box he might have dropped. ....Of course they did!!!! Everyone was embarrassed but relieved....Thank God it didn't happen while I was there!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2007
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Lehigh Valley USA
Nice site Steve. I added your link to my "link page" on my site where is your guestbook?

Sorry about your Dad +

RED Matthews

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2008
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Sarasota FL & Burdett NY
Steve; I guess I didn’t realize the flack that put you to this point but it doesn’t surprise me with the path you have selected. I know that we talked several years ago about a joint venture with the development of a different approach to creating a new way to do it.

I am sorry about your Dad’s problem. All we can do is add to the prayers for his relief and comfortable conclusion to the facts of life. My Dad passed at the age of 51 with lung cancer. But he smoked his life to a short track, when he got his feet on the floor each morning he would light up a cigarette and smoke it before he shaved. After breakfast he would leave for work, and before he got out the driveway – he would have the car door open and vomit on the driveway. No one could stop his desire to breath death.

Now I am at the age of 84 in a few days, Not a picture of health but I am thankful for my wonderful wife Agnes and our two daughters. I am glad I got to travel the world visiting glass factories and helping the world’s glass industry apply special alloys of metal mold equipment to make better glass products. Recently I have even collected eight or ten new bottles in the food and drink lines that are almost prefect products of quality and distribution control.

I will watch your work and development of information transmission to all of us..- just as I always have since you started helping us all learn about the development of glass products as America’s First Industry.

Thank you with great respect for being a friend. It is easy to count your true friends on your fingers and thumbs – but you are there.
Clarence “RED†Matthews. (Even though it iw white now.)


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2007
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northern n.y. watertown(GlenPark)
Cancer runs deep in my family too , so I totally understand your pain. I too have added your site to my favorites list and will try to contribute when I can , good luck Steve , your one of our kindest members here.

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