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Feb 5, 2009
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Sacramento, CA
I joined up with PETA long ago and will always be a HUGE supporter in what they do. You should all join up

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2005
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Seminole,Alabama, USA
The right wing just has to say to itself "we lost! We lost in a big way!

Yes. But keep in mind that he has done nothing but tell us what he will do and he is even confused about that. He is surrounded by the biggest bunch of blood thirsty maggots he could find and they pushed the economy to its breaking point. There are some Democrats how are good people and could really help the country out but talking head that you elected chose to surround himself with scum.

Also remember that I did not vote for him which gives me the right to bitch about him as he screws things up worse than they are. Those who voted for him do not.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2007
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The backwoods of the backwoods, Virginia
ORIGINAL: lobeycat

The right wing just has to say to itself "we lost! We lost in a big way! Now lets restructure our organization with Rush and Sarah as the new face of the party and we'll whip them in three years." We'll throw another inbred Tea Party and scorn the world when we're laughed at. We'll ban abortion, ban the gays, feed the rich and ignore the poor. Wouldn't be a democracy if eeeeveryone had health care. That's what the majority of americans want right? The moral majority. You ever notice the people railing against universal healthcare have healthcare. I don't see these right to lifers adopting three or four kids do you? 50% divorce rate in America? Can the gays do any worse?
Got my left wing marching orders by god and a marching I will go[:D]

Nice to see that you are still blinded enough to completely miss the point of what I was telling you, and of course you are still hitting the left wing talking points and trying to make an argument out of them. Actually the right wing crazies are just paying back the left wing crazies in kind and giving your guy down the road, because that's what you did to their guy, who needs facts a well told lie can go twice as far. It's stupid; however, no more stupid than the Bush Haters who did the exact same thing that the right wing crazies are doing to Obama. What's more I was very much correct when I said that the Bush Haters would turn into Obama Haters when he didn't go the way they wanted on whatever political issue they hold dear. Surprise! That's exactly what is going on. Personally I have yet to make up my mind on Obama, personally I like him; however, I don't agree with the wholesale spending that is going on, because there is still no proof that it is working, and of course they want more money for another stimulus package. Then again I am beginning to think that maybe Obama is caught in a history repeating itself scenario, and he is actually much like Hoover at the beginning of the depression. Utterly powerless against the inevitable; however, thinking that using FDR's spend our way out of it policy might fix the problem, yet allowing his fellow Democrats clog up the process with their own pet projects.

As I have said before one man can't wreck a government; however, if Obama doesn't pull a miracle out of his butt soon he may wind up with lower approval numbers than Bush. Don't believe for a minute that the fickle short attention spanned handout wanting American public won't hang him out to dry if he doesn't pull this out of the fire, and or give them everything they want, before the end of the year. As for the Republicans, they tied their wagon to the old religion horse back around 1988, and unfortunately forgot what the Conservatism movement was all about. The old Republican party is dying on the vine and I say let it, because this may finally give rise to another party who's head isn't as firmly encased in Pat Robertson's anus. This is why I could never actually join the Republican party, and was a registered Democrat until the early part of this century, when I swore off both parties.

Abortion I don't care whether or not women have the rights to kill babies, they can deal with their consequences when they find themselves before God. I'll make my own choice about it on a personal level, yet I am against it on principal, but don't have the right to deny someone else based upon my beliefs. Gay marriage, doesn't effect me, so long as there isn't forced gay marriage coming down the pike, I really don't care. Being the product of a divorced family from a very young age I don't have delusions about the "sanctity of marriage".

Now Universal Healthcare we can debate on, yes I have health insurance through my work, I used to not have health insurance in my security job that if left about five years ago, you know how I got health insurance? I got off my butt, got an education, which enabled me to get a job where I had health insurance. I didn't sit on my butt crying that I didn't have health insurance, and demanding that someone besides myself should provide me with healthcare, I found a way to get health insurance. There are ways to get healthcare, sometimes you have to take initiative and find a way to get it for yourself. I understand that there are some people who can't work who need healthcare, and I am all for them getting the help they need; however, if you work then why do you need the government to give you health insurance? Does the Government provide your home insurance? Auto insurance? Cable TV? You pay money for these don't you, then why not health insurance, wouldn't you think that insuring health was more important than these? Now if it's a matter of expense then set up a government health insurance where they can regulate and demand lower premiums for insurance, yet don't take away the responsibility for the insured to have to pay for the service. They should be made to sacrifice just like the rest of us for their health insurance.

In the end someone is going to have to pay for everybody's free lunch, and by the way the people railing against universal healthcare who have health insurance (let's get the terminology right) for the most part are having to pay at least part of the premium themselves, not all of them but the majority of them, and there's no way to get out of it because it is taken out of their paychecks. They're paying for theirs, while the supporters of the plan make up excuses for why they deserve a hand out, and they wonder why they are bitching?

The reason that a good chunk of Americans are against this type of government entanglement is that the American Dream has went from, achievement through hard work and sacrifice to "Where's my Government Check! I deserve free money!" Personally I'm beginning to get a bit tired of dragging myself out of bed everyday to make a paycheck that gets nearly thirty percent ripped out of it which is immediately given over to a growing number of perfectly capable people who couldn't be bothered rolling over to scratch their unmentionables this morning. No everyone receiving a government check is unemployed and or disabled, I don't really mind those, a good chunk are just scamming the system. Then a certain party in power tells me that I'm to be expected to pay more so that these people can also get more free money. Geee, why am I, and a lot of other people are, bothered by that?

BTW 52.9% for Obama vs 45.7% for McCain is not "We lost in a big way!" worthy. Seven percent, big whoop. I love how everyone on the Left act like it was this huge landslide victory, and even the Republicans are buying into it.


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May 5, 2009
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Sure do like new posts about old bottles.......


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2007
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The backwoods of the backwoods, Virginia
ORIGINAL: lobeycat

Who pushed waht to the breaking point? My very tan friend for whom I did vote, walked into the biggest economic disaster in this young nations history. Who created that? Wasn't the last dem elected king. He left money in the bank when he left office. It was the last eight years of "hey looka me dad! I'm da Prezident" Kind of like putting a mokey in charge of the control board at a nuclear plant. The Obama man is doing what he thinks has to be done to right the ship. How does one knock down such a huge debt, raffel tickets? got to spend money to make money right? First rule of any business. Now I know you love the Bushmonkey because he restored your benifits and that's fine, you deserve them. But do you feel your more entitled to healthcare than the 35 year old father of three flipping burgers at Wendy's? Why not forgo you medical and donate it to someone that doesn't have it. Now that's the American way.

I agree that Bush had a huge hand in the present problems, so did a bunch of everyday Americans who took out loans they knew they couldn't afford, because to quote Barney Frank, "We need to put people in houses." But I have to ask exactly at what point in Obama's presidency is Obama going to be taking responsibility for his own actions in the grand scheme of things, 2012? It's his baby now and so far things are looking worse and worse, and I have news for ya the "Bush did it!" excuse isn't going to fly with the people around the end of the year. The question will be what have YOU done to correct it?

Take from the rich, and the little better off poor, to give to the losers sounds like your logic on this one Lobey. You like the lack of intuitive burger flipper so much why don't you pay for his healthcare?


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2007
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The backwoods of the backwoods, Virginia
ORIGINAL: lobeycat

Morb, there are at presently 44 million God fearing Americans without insurence. What the Christ are 44 million people gonna do? Are there 44 million unfilled jobs somewhere offering a healthcare plan they're all missing? No more crazy talk please.

Ever heard of a little think called survival of the fittest? How about personal responsibility? I know that these are alien ideas in the lefty world view where the rich, and the a bit better off than you, are evil and ripe for the picking; however, at some point the money is going to run out and then they won't have anything unless they earn it themselves. You missed the point that I was one of those 44 million people no more than five years ago, I did better for myself, why can't they? If I can do it then others can, can you help them all, no. I have always believed in helping those who help themselves or at least try. BTW my security job offered health insurance, and I didn't take it because I wanted the money instead, maybe some of these are in the same boat?


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2005
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Seminole,Alabama, USA
Bush did very little during his eight years but that is what most Presidents do. It is congress who screws up budgets. It is congress who sends solders over seas. It is crongress who raises taxes. It is congress who oks the budget. It is congress who will socialize health care. it is congress who wastes trillions of dollars.

And the poor 35 year old can have anything he wants. All he has to do is go after it. I am not in favor of anything that takes away from some one who earns to give to someone who doesn't. Do I feel more entitled to my health care benefits that a guy 35 who is fliping burgers? Yes I do. Let him get out there and get his own.

There are too many able bodied folks out there whining about you have and I don't. I can garantee you that I earned every one of my benefits. They have the right to the same thing but they do not have a right to mine or yours or anyone eleses. The government has no place in the automotive industry, banking, health care or any other private industry, company or business. They are supposed to do our bidding and be our voice in Washington but they don't and haven't for a long, long time.

I give many hours each week raising money for charities like United Cerebral Palsey, Ronald Mc Donald House, Childrens Burn Centers and others. Check out the car club web site. All the car shows listed in that site support charities. Try to imagine what all goes into putting one of those car shows on. Then imagine you are minus part of one leg and inoperable knee and back problems and you think I should give away my bennies to some one who is able bodied. Last I heard the military is still hiring and that is where I earned most of mine. The people we help can not help themselves. I love doing it but every other able bodied adult needs to do it for themselves and there family too.

We can make it better.... vote them all out and vote in some new faces.

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