Dismantle the Federal Reserve Bank or America is doomed.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2009
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Northern Maine
ORIGINAL: Its tough for the politial hucksters to fool educated people but its easy to sway ignorant rabble. Always be a skeptic.

I noticed they want everyone to vote,which is good,although I like the old pencil instead of these voting machines.There are some people who dont fully understand the topic and/or the question on the ballot when it is written in such a way that voting no actually means yes and visa-versa,they are voting against their own belief and dont even know it.That is sad.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2009
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Northern Maine
I agree that this is just one of many problems, (the federal reserve),but its a big one and I believe they ALL can be fixed if our elected officials would fill their hand with an ink pen instead of money.If we could get term limits,maybe they would pay attention to what we say and for that they could stay...


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2008
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Its tough for the politial hucksters to fool educated people but its easy to sway ignorant rabble.

It gets exponentially worse when the ignorant rabble is the voting majority.. just watch.. don't forget the popcorn and diet pepsi... and those chocolate covered minty things..


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
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The Mountains
ORIGINAL: morbious_fod

Ajohn, it's not that I'm just sitting here waiting for it to burn.

Morb,I know your not buddy,and I understand your fustration with all the nonsense most people call news.Personally I've tuned out all that junk.
I've been meaning to reply on this matter sooner,but I've been quite busy.
I've actually moved my computer to my job site so that I can stay in contact.
A few years ago my brother died,and from that time to a little while ago I've been letting a thought slowly kill my spirit.That thought is that we are all like the sands on a beach.The waters of the oceans have their way with us.And when the ocean (government) isn't washing us around,then the wind (the media) is blowing us where ever it wishes.What's the use?For years I've taken my place on the front line battling drug and booze addiction,but I am still witnessing this disease slowly kill my sister.I can't even help my own family.It has me confused.I even thought getting married would spark more meaning into my life.Again,no matter how hard I worked,it just wasn't enough.We would would have been married a year last month.So I throw myself into my work.Three months ago I was finishing up another long day and then I get this numbing feeling in my left arm,then I go down like someone dropped a pallet of bricks on me.The homeowners see it happen and run out and give me a little bottle and tell me to put three drops under my tongue.Now you would think that I would be thinking of my children,but I wasn't.The only thought that was going through my mind at that moment was "I ain't going down"and "I ain't going to no hospital".And I didn't.I spent the next couple of days taking it a little easier at work cause I was really weak.I didn't tell anyone what happened cause I don't like people fussing over me.That weekend my children invited me to their church(cause they were having problems with their mother).I say OK,but I'm struggling with the sand thought.So I'm in church,right?So I say a little prayer.One thing leads to another and a few weeks later I get a call from a father who's son has developed a heroin addiction and has nowhere left to turn.I really was trying to pawn him off on a recovery home,but he said that he used up all his money on those homes and they didn't help.(I wanted to tell this man that I couldn't even help my own family,how could I help his).
You see Morb,It sure looks like we're all on a sinking ship,and maybe we are,I don't know the answer to that.I don't know the answer to a lot of stuff.Maybe I'm not suppose to_Or maybe God has picked some of us tough enough to go through the fire to find them.Again I don't know.This I do know;on Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.a few Christian folks who are having some issues with some dependencies meet to find out what happened to their life and try to find answers.And their leader is someone who doesn't want to lead,but has to.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
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Ajohn I feel for you,
Take it one day at a time be thankfull for the breath in your lungs.Dont stop helping others for if you do your own life is worthless at that point.
I posted a couple of days ago here at this forum in the general chat section just a few threads below this one The signing and the signers of the Declaration of Independence.Needless dribble right no one has read it.It has had only twenty hits so far (but it is a good read and the main subject matter is SACRIFICE) Here is my favorite part,I think we should all emulate Ceaser Rodney of Delaware for without him everything we know would not be here now.

Here is the part of the post regaurding his story.............................It was late June in 1776, and Caesar Rodney was in Sussex County Delaware. The 47-year-old son of a plantation owner, he was the first elected to the colonial legislature in 1761, and sent to the First and Second Continental Congresses. Caesar Rodney was also afflicted with a painful and unsightly facial cancer. So terribly was he ravaged by the disease that he wore a green silk scarf over part of his face, and was described by one colleague as “an animated skeleton, with a bandaged head.â€Rodney was a "Brigadier General of Delaware's militia, speaker of the state assembly which had also declared him as their leader. He was alternately in his seat in congress, and at work in Delaware, stimulating the patriots and repressing the royalists." He was also dying of his cancer. A few days later on July 1st he received the word from Thomas McKean that he was needed in Philadelphia to sign the Declaration of Independence. It was made clear that without his signature, there would be no independence. He knew if he signed the Declaration he would never be able to return to England, his only chance of survival would be gone. Knowing he would never be able to live out the dream of freedom thriving in his soul, he mounted his horse and started on his journey for Philadelphia.
With cancer eating the flesh from his face and asthma gripping his every breath, he ventured onward through brutal humidity, thunderstorms, and torrential rains. He was racked with pain, sought by the British, and exhausted. The trip was not a simple ride on well traveled trails. He crossed rickety bridges, streams, and fields.

Philadelphia was 80 miles away and a torrential rainstorm was swamping the region between the two cities. Exhausted and wracked by cancer, Rodney set out after dusk and rode all night through the pouring rain and the crashing thunder, stopping only long enough to change horses. As he raced through the stormy darkness, it must have occurred to Caesar Rodney that a political storm was rising out of Philadelphia that would change the course of history. It was a storm which had been building for more than a decade as the British Parliament and King George III imposed one oppressive measure after another on the Colonies, increasing their taxes and decreasing their freedoms. He knew every hour and every one of the 80 miles were bringing him closer to signing his own death warrant, and bringing him closer to freedom.
Finally he reached Independence Hall in Philadelphia. Caesar Rodney staggered into Congress with only minutes left of the debate. Others in the room saw his condition and quickly came to assist him. His face was wrapped in linen, now covered with blood, sweat, and mud; in fact his entire body was laden with mud. It is believed he spoke these words as he cast his vote, "As I believe the voice of my constituents and of all sensible and honest men is in favor of independence, my own judgment concurs with them. I vote for independence," and then he collapsed. Caesar Rodney had just cast the DECIDING vote................................................This man was truley our first American hero

AJOHN DONT QUIT ....... be a leader, you can lead,be a teacher you can teach,be a father your children need you.Show the Heroin addict this post,inspire, him all people are great at something find his and make him busy thinking about it.God Bless and see a doctor that might have been a warning shot


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
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The Mountains
What a great story of courage and endurance.Thank you
I took a chance posting this part of my life because I am tired of trying to hide my shortcomings by focusing on what is wrong with this world or the people of it.
By the way, my prayer that day was simply this..."OK"


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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San Jose
I won't express an opinion on local/county "elections" but state/federal election results should be 100% suspect. I won't personally take part in the charade. Particularly when given the "chance" to vote for the least corrupt of two liars we've been given the choice of in presidential elections after November 22, 1963. The last man elected president with any character was Jimmy Carter, and no that isn't a joke. Check out what this Southern Gentleman has done with his life since 1980. And there are no conspiracy theories. The only theory out there is the lone nut theory. In my opinion there is no difference whatsoever between democrats/republicans other than their relative degree of disdain for the American people and the common man. Heads they win; tails you lose. Go here and watch these movies for free online to expand your horizons: http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/

Bottle Junkie 56

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Feb 23, 2010
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Rural Hall, NC 27045
I agree with all, but another important factor in our economy is until we build it here and buy it here, it's over anyway. Cut China (and others) out. I have been trying to live by my rule, if You can't find it Made in U.S.A., don't buy it. Unfortunately, sometimes it can't be found any other way. What a shame. The American worker sold out by greedy CEO's & politicians. RK


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2009
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Yes, now there is no place to work. The politicians killed the golden goose. So they will have to keep paying unemployment benefits until they learn their lesson or huge numbers of people will become homeless and destitute.
Really, what did they think would happen? While foreign countries that sell us things become richer we will come more and more to resemble a third world country if this is not turned around. Meaning a small minority of people will have all the resources and everyone else will become the underclass.

I went to Wal-mart on a Friday. Wal-mart is typically packed on Friday's and I was rather dreading the trip but when I got there I immediately found a parking spot in the front and the store was empty. I did not have to wait in a long line to pay. I asked the cashier where everyone was. She said that at the end of the month people run out of food stamps. For the first time I got an inkling of how many people are on public assistance.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2005
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ORIGINAL: morbious_fod

America is doomed.....doooooommmmmeeed. (creepy voice)

America is going to eventually self district, because too many of her people ignore what is going on or are actively involved in robbing every cent from her to care about the damage they themselves are doing by not holding their elected officials accountable for their actions.

Hey, look the new I-phone! Lindsy Lohan's going to jail! MORONS! I would much rather watch this country burn to the ground than try to save it for the likes of the easily distracted and the blind followers of all sides of the political, cultural, class, or racial divide. All because I know that one day it will rise again after the chaff has been separated from the wheat.

From the Dead Kennedy's "Soup Is Good Food"

"We're sorry
You'll just have to leave
Unemployment runs out after just six weeks
How does it feel to be a budget cut?
You're snipped
You no longer exist

Your number's been purged from our central computer
So we can rig the facts
And sweep you under the rug
See our chart? Unemployment's going down
If that ruins your life that's your problem."

Sounds a bit too familiar anymore.
very nice joe those early hardcore bands new what they were talking about!

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